3013: MATED (3013: The Series) Page 7
“That is it,” Xavier whispered softly as he stayed still, his cock buried to the hilt inside her pussy. “Hold onto me and let Galan work his cock up your ass. Let us take you, mate.”
Alexis shivered as Xavier called her his mate. Hearing that word and the depth of meaning he put into it made her want them to claim her for real. She fought the desire to tell them to just claim her and to hell with her reservations. No, she couldn’t do that…not yet. She breathed out long and hard as Galan pushed his massive cock into her ass so slowly she felt every ridge sliding across the sensitive tissue inside her.
“By the goddess, she is tight!” Galan gasped.
“Tight,” Xavier snarled. “So tight, and ours!”
Xavier’s arms wrapped around her, holding her against his chest as Galan slowly thrust his long cock into her ass so it rubbed against his own through the thin membrane that separated them. It felt so good, like they were finally where they were meant to be. He kissed her, drinking down her moans as Galan worked himself into her and fought the urge to sink his fangs inside her so he could bind them together forever.
“You were made for us,” Galan purred into her ear as he rocked his cock inside of her, forging deeper each time. “This is what awaits you as our mate. The ultimate pleasure. We can give you this every time. Do you want that? Do you want us moving inside you, giving you everything you need?”
“Yes, oh god yes!”
Xavier and Galan’s eyes met and Alexis screamed out incoherently as they began fucking her, working in tandem. Galan pulled back and slammed his hips against her ass, forcing his cock deep inside her while Xavier pulled out. When he slammed up, Galan pulled back in perfect unison, working her body like two maestros.
Alexis lost her ability to speak as both males filled her with their enormous cocks. Riding high on her own pleasure, it was intensified by both Xavier and Galan’s elation of being with her. The feeling of both her lovers taking her together was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Sure, she had been fucked by two men before, but it had been nothing like this. This wasn’t just fucking…it was as if their souls were merging. She was pure sensation, and her empathic powers were making it feel like they were one being. She threw her head back and moaned as Xavier and Galan began thrusting faster, slamming one cock in as the other pulled out.
“Your pleasure belongs to us.” Xavier gripped his hand in Alexis’s hair, positioning her so his mouth could savage hers.
“You need what we can give you, Alexis. Tell us. Let us give you what you need,” Galan growled.
“I need you,” Alexis sobbed, unable to hold the words back as her body tightened.
“Come for us, little one,” Xavier demanded as he held her to him. “Let us care for you and you will want for nothing. Come for us now!”
Alexis screamed out as her body shattered, locking down on both of them. Galan jerked his cock from her ass, and she heard his low growl as his hot seed splashed on her back, coating her skin with his release. Seconds later, Xavier let out a roar as he climaxed inside her, his cock swelling as he filled her with pulse after pulse of his hot semen.
The feeling of Xavier swelling inside her triggered another hard climax, even more intense than the first and had Alexis screaming so loud her throat was hoarse. Shudders racked her body and her vision blurred. She heard both Xavier and Galan’s soft voices crooning to her and smiled blissfully as she let herself drift off into the darkness.
Death by sex…what a way to go.
Chapter Five
So, this is what hell is like…
Alexis was more miserable then she could ever recall being as she sat at the table of a lavish meal in one of the most decadent restaurants in the Capital. Not that she could really appreciate the amazing food she had been served since she’d only taken a couple of bites.
Surrounded by several regents, commanders, and other guests, Alexis couldn’t concentrate on any of the conversations going on around her. She was being bombarded by emotions from everyone at the table, and it was difficult not to get overwhelmed by all of the various sensations she was feeling. Actually, she had passed being overwhelmed fifteen minutes ago.
Now, she was simply screwed.
Usually able to control her gift, it was alarming that she couldn’t seem to get a handle on everything going on around her. All of her senses seemed to be amplified, making it impossible to filter out the waves of emotions she was getting from everyone at the table. Her head hurt from the constant bombardment, and she had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach that destroyed any appetite she’d had, even after the strenuous activities she had participated in earlier.
This afternoon she had opened herself up more than she ever had before…even with her past relationships. Being with Xavier and Galan had felt so right, like it had been fated for her to meet them and she knew that she had already given them a piece of her heart. No matter how foolish she’d told herself it was after knowing them for only a day it was as if her soul had recognize theirs.
That is why it hurt so much when they had pulled away from her.
When they had returned to the visitors suite with a bag of her belongings, Xavier and Galan had stepped back, leaving her to struggle with her own feelings. Logically, she knew that they had been giving her time to get to know Thorn and Brydan, but she couldn’t help but feel like they had abandoned her after they had gotten what they wanted from her. Like they once they had fucking tagged the other team, she was no longer their problem to deal with.
After they had finished making love on her bed, she had briefly passed out from the pleasure. When she woke, Xavier and Galan were stroking her with their large hands. Not to arouse, but to comfort and soothe. They had made her feel cherished, and it was something that she wasn’t used to, but she could really learn to appreciate. They had taken a shower together, but since is wasn’t big enough for any more playtime, they’d simply washed and headed back to the visitors suite just in time for her to get settled then head out to the dinner that was being hosted by the regents. Not wanting to be seen escorting them around town out of uniform before that evening, she had put on a fresh uniform and packed away her outfit for dinner along with her other belongings.
Back at the visitors suite, Thorn and Brydan had joined her in the room she had chosen for her own use while she was staying with them as she unpacked. Thorn had been courteous and Brydan had a wicked wit that made her laugh, but neither of them had made any advances toward her or shown her that they wanted to mate with her like Xavier and Galan had.
The change in the dynamics had left her shaky and slightly bewildered. When Xavier and Galan had simply disappeared after handing her over, it hurt. Thorn and Brydan’s disinterest had compounded that hurt and began turning it into a bitter anger that she’d thought she would never feel again. She held back the words that had wanted to spew out, unsure if she was gauging the situation accurately or if she was simply letting past betrayals taint the present.
All four of the Dragon Warriors had looked amazing after they had changed for the dinner. Xavier and Galan had chosen to wear dark blue shirts, while Thorn and Brydan wore white with their black leather pants. The shirts were made of a shimmering fabric Alexis had never seen before. She’d wanted to reach out and touch it, but she’d felt awkward doing so after the distance she felt between them.
Alexis had changed into a beautiful ombre dress the color of a pale lavender that darkened to a deep indigo toward the bottom and she’d left her hair down for the occasion. It wasn’t often that she had the opportunity to dress in civilian clothing and she wanted to take full advantage. Hell, who was she kidding? She wanted to impress all four of the Dragon Warriors. and had been secretly pleased with their reactions when they saw her after she stepped from her room. The lust coming off all four males had left her weak in the knees, but it had mystified her greatly when none of them had made a move to touch her before they left.
Now, sitting
at the table surrounded by people, she couldn’t seem to get a handle on what the hell was going on and it was making her crazy. Seated in between Thorn and Brydan, with Xavier and Galan sitting across the table from her, she couldn’t look anywhere without seeing one of them.
Not that she wanted to look at any of them at the moment.
She was furious at Xavier and Galan about their behavior earlier, and the heated looks they kept sending her from across the table made her want to slap them both. When her friend Sullivan Archer, Jax’s second-in-command, had directed a flirtatious comment at her before they were seated, Xavier had actually snarled at him. Thank god no one else had heard him, but Archer had been casting suspicious glances at the Dragon Warriors throughout dinner.
Discretion was obviously something neither Xavier nor Galan was familiar with, and Alexis was sure everyone was going to know what had happened between them from the way they were looking at her. To make matters worse, there was a fire tearing through her that bordered on pain, making her pussy weep with her juices as if she was nothing more than a mass of raging hormones. Each time they looked at her it was as if she felt it like a physical caress, and her womb clenched as she remembered how it felt when they had been deep inside her.
Damn then for making her want them so much even when she wanted to kill them.
It didn’t help to focus on her other dinner companions either. To Alexis’ right, Brydan was using his sharp wit to entertain several of the dinner guests, practically turning his back to Alexis completely. On her left, Thorn’s attention was being monopolized by the very beautiful, very unclaimed Scroll, Marianna Dexter. Marianna was one of the regents’ daughters and also one of the most coveted women in the Capital. Alexis was forced to sit there listen as the Scroll flirted outrageously with Thorn, and she could barely restrain herself from jumping out of her chair and attacking the other woman.
She had never felt so out of control or so humiliated.
This wasn’t like her. Eaten alive by jealousy, she didn’t feel like herself. Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a deep breath to steady herself, but when she opened them back up she felt her temper flare as Marianna reach out and touch Thorn’s arm.
Oh, hell no…
Alexis stopped the pretense of eating and set her fork down on her plate, pushing it away from herself before she stabbed the bitch with it. She knew she had to get out of there before she did something she would regret, and maybe get her ass thrown in prison. Needing a moment alone to get herself together before she exploded, she stood up.
Xavier, Galan, Thorn and Brydan immediately stood, as did all the other men, but she quickly gestured for them to take their seats again. She caught Jax’s gaze and focused on her commander to steady herself, noting the concern in his eyes.
“Everything okay, Lex?”
“Sorry, I’m not feeling well. Please, excuse me for a minute.”
She excused herself from the table, and could feel four sets of glowing eyes on her as she left without looking at any of them. The emotions swirling around inside her were driving her insane. One second she wanted nothing more than to jump them to sate the need burning inside her then the next she wanted to punch them in their stupid faces for pissing her off. Neither was a viable option at the moment since the very last thing she wanted to do was make a fool of herself in front of her commanders and the regents, so she forced herself to restrain her temper until she was alone.
Damning herself and feeling like a fool, she hurried down the hallway, out onto the empty balcony, away from the Dragon Warriors and their empty promises. She brushed furiously at the tears sliding down her cheeks then tipped her head back to allow the cool breeze to dry her eyes before any more escaped.
She had actually let herself start to believe all the shit they had told her early, about wanting her for a mate and being able to change her so she could have children. At the time she had been so overwhelmed with the combination of her lust and their emotions that she hadn’t been able to really think about everything they had told her about the mating and what it meant for the future.
It still all seemed so fantastical that it couldn’t be real. It wasn’t every day that four mysterious strangers came to Earth and granted her greatest wish, especially when they looked like Xavier, Galan, Thorn and Brydan.
She’d thought they were too good to be true…and clearly she had been right.
Alexis let out a gasp as she was whirled around and found herself staring into Thorn’s beautiful, glowing golden eyes. Her hands reached out to grip his strong biceps trying to keep some distance between them, but he pulled her closer.
“Why do you weep, love? What ails you?”
“Let me go,” Alexis ordered as she tried to shove him away. It was like trying to move a mountain and did no good, but it didn’t mean she would give up. The gentle tone of his voice was enough to make the tears fall faster and she hated the fact that she wanted to burrow closer to his warmth to seek comfort. Feeling like an idiot, she struggled to break free of his hold on her.
“Nay, Alexis. I will not release you until you tell me what is wrong.”
His panic and concern made her laugh, but it was void of all humor. She felt heartsick that he could act like he cared about what she was feeling after how he had been behaving earlier. Fine. He really wanted to know what was bothering her?
Then she’d fucking tell him.
“You want to know what’s wrong? How ’bout asking what isn’t wrong? Why don’t you stop with the bullshit concern, or are you going to milk that until you get laid too?”
Alexis watched his head rear back as if she slapped him, his glowing golden eyes wide with alarm. She instantly felt contrite for the words she had spoken, but her pain had caused her to lash out. It took a few seconds for him to process what she just said then his eyes narrowed in rage.
Fine, fuck it. She quit anyways.
If he wanted to be mad at her then let him. At least they would both be miserable now.
“That was unfair, Alexis.” Galan said softly from behind her. “I can feel your pain as if it were my own and we aren’t even mated yet. Do not strike out at us for being concerned for you.”
“Oh, like you were concerned earlier when you just handed me over to your friends after you got what you wanted?” Alexis said with a harsh laugh as she yanked her arms free of Thorn, who had frozen in shock. She rounded on them, looking at both males and not bothering to hide the hurt and anger she felt. “Sure, you and Xavier got fucked all afternoon so why bother having to talk to me when you were trying to make sure your buddies got some next?”
“It was not like that,” Galan growled, his silver eyes flashing with fury.
“Then tell me how exactly I was supposed to take it, Galan. Silly me, when I thought you were being serious about wanting me to be your mate. Would a mate leave a woman after she slept with them, when she was struggling to understand what the hell just happened? Tell me, would he really push her off on someone else to take care of?”
Alexis watched the blood drain from Galan’s face and she saw his pained expression as she moved out of reach when he tried to touch her. “Is that what you thought? It was not like that, sweetling. Xavier and I had you all afternoon. It was only fair to allow Thorn and Brydan to spend some time with you.”
Could they really be that stupid?
She shook her head. “Oh yeah, because Thorn and Brydan supposedly want to mate with me too, not that I can tell by their actions.” She turned to glare at Thorn. She knew she was being overly emotional, but she couldn’t seem to help the words spewing from her mouth. They had fucking hurt her. All four of them had and it was killing her for them to stand there and look at her like she was being unreasonable.
“Why the hell did you bother sitting next to me if you and your brother were going to ignore me all night? If you are going to flirt with another woman, fine, I don’t own you. But don’t you dare tell me you want to be in a relationship with me when you can’t
even show me a little courtesy!”
“I was not flirting! I would not do that to you, Alexis,” Thorn growled heatedly. “And we are in a relationship! We want you for our mate!”
“Whatever.” Alexis whispered sadly, not believing him. “You have a strange fucking way of showing it then.”
Damn, she wanted to go back in time. To start the evening over from the moment they had left her living quarters earlier. If she could she would have never allowed herself to believe that the four of them really wanted her.
She would have never dared to dream…
“You asked us not to allow your colleagues to know about what we are to you until you decided to mate with us, so that is what we were doing,” Thorn growled from behind her. She spun around and saw him standing there with his hands fisted, his golden eyes bright with condemnation.
Well, fuck him very much.
Not wanting them to out her in front of the regents and her commander meant they were free to flirt with whoever they wanted? “So this was all to get back at me for not wanting my commanders to know until I made my decision? Excuse me for worrying about losing my job! Are you really telling me there wasn’t something in between Xavier and Galan eye fucking me from across the table and you and Brydan ignoring me?”
Suddenly, she was very tired. Sitting down on a stone bench, she turned away from them. “Please leave. I don’t want to talk to either of you right now.”
“Please, Galan,” she said, her voice strained with unshed tears as her vision blurred, but she didn’t let them fall. Not yet. “I really don’t want to do this here. If you care about me at all you will leave me to get my shit together before I have to go back in there and salvage what is left of this farce.”